Activity chain based model (tour-based model)
The tour-based model is a disaggregated, behavior-oriented demand model which allows the planner to include all kinds of data relating to socio-demography and traffic policy issues. The tour-based model calculates three logical work units.
1. Trip generation (calculating the home trip)
2. Trip distribution (determining the trip destination)
3. Mode choice
These three logical units are not processed separately in succession by the tour-based model, but are interlocked. Especially steps 2 and 3, Trip distribution and Mode choice are carried out simultaneous in a single procedure. In all three work units two important concepts have been implemented for the tour-based model: Calculation on the basis of groups with homogeneous behavior and activity chains.
Note: In the directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023/Examples, you can find an example of use on this topic. The Demand Visem example describes the structure and use of the tour-based model for demand calculation. |